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Rugs From Lawrence of La Brea in Los Angeles

Serving the best Designers in Los Angeles with a stylish antique-to-modern inventory for over 20 years

Silk is a natural fiber made from the cocoons of silkworms.  Silk is known for its luster, shine, strength, and durability; and because the fibers are of natural origins, the colors are hard to replicate—making each one as unique as the other.  Also, the colors on the rug work against fading, translating to lower maintenance costs in comparison to other rugs made from less desirable materials.  These very fibers also offer better quality of air in the room rugs are placed in.

Natural materials are always the superior quality in comparison to synthetic ones. The material of the base should be wool, silk, or cotton for better quality. Wool rugs should be completely matte in comparison to a shiny silk rug.

Hint: To tell if a rug is real silk, rub your palm across it; silk will warm to the touch fairly quickly.

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On Sale
6'4" x 8'0"$ 1,550 USD
SARI SILK 10017242
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On Sale
11'00" x 16'00"$ 9,785 USD
Saree Silk 10023797
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On Sale
4'04" x 5'11"$ 2,450 USD
Turkish Hereke 10017731
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